Let Us Be the Heart Of the Church Rather Than the Amygdala

I was watching last week how Christians on social media reacted to the news that Pope Francis had met with Kim Davis, mainly the distress and disappointment from progressive Christians who have a lot of fond feelings for the Pontiff.

I completely understood the reaction, but as I watched things play out online it struck me how emotionally reactive we are to social media, our feelings getting jerked around by the latest thing that breaks on Twitter or Facebook. Sometimes it is happiness and euphoria. Yay, our side is winning! Sometimes it is despondency and despair. Oh no, the other side is winning!

It seems that every day on social media is an emotional roller coaster ride. Our feelings swinging up and down, up and down, with every hashtag trend or viral video.


Oh no!


Oh no!

Every morning we log onto social media and our limbic system gets jolted. The adrenaline and stress hormones and the serotonin buzzing.


Oh no!


Oh no!

It all seems so emotionally and physiologically exhausting, constantly taking the temperature of the world through social media. Having your emotions ping-ponging around. Always being emotionally zapped and jolted by social media.

So let's remember the wisdom of Thérèse of Lisieux.

Our vocation is to be the heart of the church, not the amygdala.

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